O - o

o   [o] pps. you: Second singular Subject personal pronoun, associated to Irrealis mood; tu: pronom personnel sujet 2ème p. singulier, associé au mode Irrealis.

Ta, nam po-i-a vara o r̄ai r̄e aka-ku. ‘Father, I want you to carve me a canoe.’ ‘Père, je voudrais que tu me tailles une pirogue.’

O su o sna! ‘Come towards me! [lit. you paddle you come]’. ‘Viens [lt. pagaie] vers moi !’

Okava   [Okaβa] top. Hog Harbour, a city on the north-eastern coast of Santo I; Hog-Harbour.

R̄uai, Raki mo r̄oho r̄o v̈ahasun Okava. ‘Before, Araki was situated over there, in (front of) Hog Harbour.’ ‘Avant, Araki se trouvait là-bas, à Hog-Harbour.’

▷ A myth, known in Araki as well as in Hog Harbour, tells how the island left that area, and pulled away towards the southern shores of Santo (Cf. Raki).

◈  Borrowed from Hog Harbour.

ov̈a   ‘heron

olom̈a   [olon̼a] vi. bend down, bow (o.'s) head; se baisser.

Nohosu jo olom̈a, nene jo olom̈a, nene jo olom̈a! Ha huren-i-a par̄u-m̈im lo jara mo hese! ‘(to children) Let that one bow his head, let this one bow his head… Arrange your heads to be all in the same place!’

om   [om] pps. you: Second singular Subject personal pronoun, associated to Realis mood; tu: pronom personnel sujet 2ème p. singulier, associé au mode Realis.

Om holo r̄o? — Nam holo-ho r̄o. ‘Are you OK? — Yes, I'm very well.’ ‘Tu vas bien? — Oui, je vais (très) bien.’

Om putu! ‘You are crazy!’ ‘Tu es fou !’

Om re o hanhan? ‘Would you like to have dinner?’ ‘Tu veux manger ?’

Inko hosu nanov om litovi-á? ‘So it was you who [lit. who you] offended me yesterday?’ ‘C'est donc toi qui m'a outragé hier?’

onono   [onono] n. onon. sand, beach; sable.

►  See: jar̄auta.

Op̈a   [Ot̼a] top. Opa, an islet east of Araki; Opa, île située à l'est d'Araki.

Om r̄oho r̄o lo r̄av̈alu-na M̈arino vo om r̄oho r̄o lo r̄av̈alu-na Op̈a? ‘Do you live near Marino (to the west) or near Opa?’ ‘Tu habites du côté de Marino (à l'ouest) ou du côté d'Opa?’

▷ In Araki, the island of Opa acts as a landmark to indicate the east (Cf. Toholau).

▷ En Araki, l'île d'Opa est prise comme repère pour indiquer la direction est (Cf. Toholau).

or̄i   [ori] n. bunch (of bananas); régime (de bananes).

►  See: v̈er̄ali.

ov̈a   [oð̼a] n. Eastern Reef Heron, 50 cm; Aigrette des Récifs, héron marin, 50 cm. Ardea sacra, Egretta sacra.


©   Alexandre François 2008